
FACEBOOK : Penny Chong
TWITTER: pennyQi
MSN: pennyqi.design@h.c

Shoutouts ♥

I want to live in a world full of cliche fantasies, plus the screwed up storyline of course.
I love who I love and love is what holds me together now.
My heart has the fragile signs taped all over it.
I can make a great facade, I'm just too good that it hurts only myself in the end.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Gitchee Gitchee Goo!!!!

Had awesome crazy time with Elly and Pris at the mall today? Yes, of course! Elly was so extreme as she pierced her ears; three at the same time! One helix even!Made Yours Truly super excited to get more of her own...after SPM. Bought some accessories for Yours Truly. ;) Momma wants me to get a cardigan. Why oh why may I ask? Hmm.

Congrats to my awesome class for the win in the quiz, will compete in the Finals tomorrow! ALL THE BEST GUYS! You all know I'll be there holler-ing and cheering for you guys. HAHA. Oh, I camwhored with Tinie's DSLR in school even, it turned out great, I should go nag Tinie for the pictures soon! I'm coming Tinieeee. >D

Pictures with Elly though, meaning this will be a really empty post! D;

Toodles ya'll.

1 comment:

  1. i'm superb aint that xtreme though...
    hee :P

    p/s: pix already there (;
