The best! I woke up early, to shower, read the guide and then Dad started the car. Ran to the car and back to the house because I left my IC, ran back to the car, Dad gave me a '=.=' look. Got there, the people there drove us to the center for the computer test. The wait was torturing, not knowing when the receptionist will let us into the room. After I answered all my questions, I double-checked, triple-checked! I CHECKED THE THING FOUR TIMES BEFORE SUBMITTING THE ANSWERS( I had thirty minutes left ) Dad's word floated in my mind the entire time;
"Check after you answer, check after you answer."
:D I called my Dad, he went back to sleep, told him face full of smiles :) Yes, first step to THE STEERING WHEEL !
Got home after that, napped right after because I was too tired. When I woke up, DVD and food! Then I logged into Facebook, checked all the notifications and saw two mentioning the AFS letter. I got all jumpy and anxious, asking Jaycee if the postman came today. She said no, I called Mom, she said 'No' too, then I remembered that I filled in Aunty Vivian's house address because I wasn't sure when I'm moving. I called Aunty Vivian, she wasn't home and said she'd check once she gets home. She did and called me after that asking if she should open the letter for me, I said yes, she did and...
I'm going to the interview!
That, is the first step to THE STATES ! Wish me luck! The interview's on the 8th ( RESHWEEN, A LUCKY DAY I SEE )
I asked her, she said yes, so this is surely a day to remember!