Here are some recaps.
-Watched two movies: The Mechanic, Shaolin then Sanctum.
-Had quality time/lunch with Dad two days straight. :)
-The butterfly is fully healed.
-Had a really fucked up Valentine's Day minus the surprises.
-Got a ring so pretty, my wedding ring will be of that kind.
-Oh, I had an enjoyable CHINESE NEW YEAR!
-I learned a lot about things, about people and the ugly truth of the human nature.
Will have some pic-spam here ! :D
@Wan Bang's place.
Don't be fooled by the logo, it's no McD coke, it's beer ;p
@Starbucks with Ein.
Movies with Ein.
There's more but sadly, procrastination is my middle name :) & I need to Polaroid-picture everything !